The science of teaching from the methodology teachers' pont of view


  • Hajnalka Szántóné Tóth Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences E-mail:
  • László Doba Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, E-mail:



teacher training, teaching the subject of enviromental studies, practical training, becoming a teacher


The unity of theoretical-practical training and the distinguished role of teaching practice across the training process are traditionally defining characteristics of teacher training. Students learn about the different forms of school activities in the practical training process (educational and administrative tasks). The aim of the practices is to provide teachers with a wide understanding of the teaching job and the practical tasks related to teaching, while at the same time to develop their skills and abilities for teaching. A traditionally defining feature of teacher training is the thorough and diverse methodological preparation, which is considered by trainers and users to be the strength of the training. By visiting, observing and analysing the lessons, students not only practice the breakdown and interconnection of the teacher’s activity into conscious sub-elements, but also develop their reflectivity. The workshop study analyses the teaching practice of the lower primary science subject from the point of view of teachers of methodology. It presents and interprets issues seen and experienced at a class held by students. Our observations confirmed the fact that the practical application of theoretical knowledge is of paramount importance in the process of becoming a teacher.


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How to Cite

The science of teaching from the methodology teachers’ pont of view. (2023). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 21(1), 43-52.