Issues of the development of green tourism in Hungary
humán erőforrás, on-line oktatás, társadalmi tényezők, kérdőíves vizsgálatAbstract
Green tourism has several interpretation. There is no consensus on its definition in professional literature on tourism, since it includes activities that cover natural, cultural, active and rural tourism and may have role in city sightseeing as well (Drumm, 2005). According to the definition of International Ecotourism Society (TIES), ecotourism is „about visiting natural areas in a responsible way to protect the environment and contribute to the improvement of the local population’s wellbeing”. It started to boost in the 80s and 90s, when ecotourism intended to demonstrate its role in the abovementioned two areas mitigating the negative impacts of mass tourism. Therefore, ecotourism involves a touristic product in a narrow sense, and the “philosophy” that determines travels considering environment protection. Our study intends to present the coherences of such factors as well as the results of a questionnaire survey, primarily focusing on its impact on training.
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