Local development initiatives in the spatial economy


  • Nagy Henrietta Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences




local economic development, internal strengths, micro-regions, local currency


This chapter is about the concept of local economic development with focus on some Hungarian examples. We know that local economic development should be realized bottom-up, but sometimes the local population and local businesses face various difficulties while they intend to encourage local developments even if they know the strengths and weaknesses of the settlement/region the best. However, this paper attempts to introduce some concrete examples for local economic development from the Hungarian rural micro-regions, especially from the field of local currencies/complementary money. Such cases may serve as samples for other Central-Eastern-European regions where the bottom-up approach also represents a new direction in economic development strategies and the local population is committed to the development of local economy and society.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Nagy Henrietta, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

    egyetemi docens
    E-mail: nagy.henrietta@gtk.szie.hu


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