Spontaneously developing forests and the impact of large herbivores: an opportunity for sustainable management
black locust, preference, phytomass, understory, game damage, herbivores, ungulatesAbstract
Forest plantations become more frequent in Hungary, due to afforestation program by EU. These monocultures are more vulnerable to biotic and abiotic disturbances than semi-natural forest stands. The impact of large herbivores on woody species can be much higher, when food supply is scarce. In this study we examined the herbivore pressure in a black locust plantation and in a spontaneous regenerating forest dominated by black locust. We measured the species composition of understory plant food supply and the degree of browsing by counting the number of shoots available to and browsed by ungulates on 100 sampling points. Phytomass estimation and preference analyses (Bonferroni test and Jacobs preference index) were also conducted. The results of analyses proved that shrub species in a sufficient cover can decrease the degree of browsing impact on black locust. Hence, it is necessary to consider the advantages of mixed forests and diverse understory in the future afforestations and forestry intervention.
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