Napraforgó vetőmag csírázáskori betegségeinek vizsgálata
sunflower, germination, Alternaria spp, Fusarium spp.Abstract
Sunflower production is becoming more important these days due to soaring demand for oil. The aim of the studies was to identify pathogens in the sunflower seed production. Collection of samples was made from sunflower seed field, the average samples were processed according to the Hungarian Standard. The samples were divided into two parts. The treated seeds was disinfected in Neomagnol solution. The treated and untreated samples were germinated in 4 replicates, with 50 seeds per replicate. The duration of germination was 2 weeks. The average germination was 81% for the untreated sample “A” and 83% for the treated sample. The untreated “B” sample germinated in 90% and the treated in 89.5%. Scrapings were made from the seeds in which presence of Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and rarely Botrytis spp. was found. Statistical analysis showed that there is no significant differences between treatments and the incidence of pathogens.
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