A Botrytis cinerea extracelluláris fehérjehálózatának vizsgálata tömegspektrometriai, statisztikai és hálózatelméleti módszerekkel


  • Dorottya Szám Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Department of Plant Protection, e-mail: szam.dorottya.reka@gmail.com (corresponding author) https://orcid.org/0009-0006-4299-8712
  • Miklós Pogány HUN-REN, Centre for Agricultural Research, Institute of Plant Protection, e-mail: pogany.miklos@agrar.mta.hu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9887-4317
  • András Takács Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Department of Plant Protection, e-mail: Takacs.Andras.Peter@uni-mate.hu


Furmint, Botrytis cinerea, extracellular proteins, scale-free networks


Scale-free networks can be discovered in many very distant biological structures. Such a scalefree model can describe the development of cancer, the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the structure of some neural networks, as well as several already mapped protein-protein interaction networks. In our research, we compared the extracellular protein pattern of laboratory-grown B. cinerea on Furmint grapes in four consecutive phases of botritization in order to gain a deeper understanding of the metabolic processes responsible for noble rot. Our results indicate that the extracellular protein network of B. cinerea can be well described by the Barabási-Albert scalefree network model. We characterized the main static parameters of extracellular protein networks, such as the number of nodes and interaction relationships, the degree distribution, the average number of degrees, and the average clustering coefficient. We identified the main components of the network and the fungal proteins that are important for the protein network, and thus responsible for noble rot.


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How to Cite

Szám, D., Pogány, M., & Takács, A. (2022). A Botrytis cinerea extracelluláris fehérjehálózatának vizsgálata tömegspektrometriai, statisztikai és hálózatelméleti módszerekkel. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 26(1), 138-146. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/4799

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