A gyomköles (Panicum miliaceum subsp. ruderale l.) kompetíciós képességének vizsgálata tenyészedényes kísérletben
millet, competition, weed managementAbstract
The importance of millet (Panicum miliaceum) as a weed is constantly growing. Mostly in areas where maize was grown in monoculture and its weed control was carried out with preparations with the duration of chloraminotriazine, since millet is resistant to this active substance, so it was able to multiply very easily in the absence of competitors. Observing the results of the National Field Weed Surveys, it can be seen that in 60 years it has risen from 199th place to 10th place in the order of importance of weeds. It is capable of causing the greatest damage in corn. The main reason for this is that the way of life of millet species is very similar to corn, their germination also begins almost simultaneously. In addition, in addition to the weed millets that have been present in Hungary for a long time, new species of millet are arriving. It is important to get to know them as well and thoroughly as possible, because in this way we will contribute to the development of more and more effective protection procedures against them. The aim of our research is to examine that millet, which germinates and develops together with maize, how can effect on the shoot and root length, as well as biomass.
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