Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief: László Rózsa Phd, Director of the Georgicon Campus
Editor: Angéla Anda DSc
Revjuer: Zoltán Alföldi PhD
Technical Editor: Erika Varga Kondorosyné
Editorial bord:
- Előd Kondorosy PhD
- László Menyhárt PhD
- László Pál PhD
- Petra Stankovics PhD
- Péter Szabó PhD
- János Taller PhD
- Zoltán Tóth PhD
- Balázs Varga PhD
ISSN 0239 1260 (print until 2024)
The journal is covered by the following type of Creative Commons 4.0 standard licence: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0.
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
2100, Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1.
Editorial office:
MATE Georgikon Campus
8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc u. 16.
Tel.: +36-83/545-000
Web: https://georgikoncampus.uni-mate.hu
E-mail: info.georgikon@uni-mate.hu
Responsible Publisher is the Director of the Georgikon Campus, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Dr. Rózsa László