Fontosabb egyszikű gyomnövények allelopatikus hatásának vizsgálata kukoricában
allelopathy, maize, grasses, hypothesis testing, ANOVAAbstract
Maize is the third most crucial cultivated plant worldwide, in Hungary, it is the field crop cultivated in the most significant area. However, due to climate change, the amount and distribution of precipitation continuously change, which weeds try to take away from cultivated plants. Therefore, among the summer annual lawn grasses, the mass appearance of common cocksfoot grass, cultivated millet and yellow foxtail are dangerous in hoe crops, mainly in corn stocks. Allelopathy has been studied since antiquity in natural sciences, supported by many research results. The chemical substances responsible for allelopathic effects can be found in all parts of the plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers or fruits). Generally, they have an inhibitory effect. During the interaction, the allelochemical-releasing plant on effects another plant species. The allelopathic effects of major T4 weeds typical in maize were studied on the germination of maize.
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