Díszfák kérgén repedést, váladékfolyást okozó baktériumfajok azonosítása


  • Imola Tenorio-Baigorria National Food Chain Safety Office, Food Chain Safety Laboratory Directorate, Phytosanitary Diagnostic National Reference Laboratory, e-mail: Tenorio-Baigorria Imola
  • László Palkovics Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Department of Plant Sciences, e-mail: palkovics.laszlo.amand@sze.hu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1850-6750
  • Anita Végh Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, e-mail: karacs.vegh.anita@uni-mate.hu (corresponding author) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5942-038X


bark canker, Brenneria, Lonsdalea, ornamental trees


In the last few years several reports were published about bacterial species (Brenneria and Lonsdalea spp.) causing bark cancers on deciduous ornamental trees. Infected trees are characterised by symptoms of woody parts: vertical cracks on trunk and branches, necrosis, cankers from which black or reddish-brownish fluid is oozing. These bacteria cause serious problems in nurseries, public areas and parks. Our purposes were to survey, isolate and identify the causing agents of bark cancers and oozing liquids. Between 2019 and 2021 from several points of Budapest samples were collected. By classical and molecular methods were analysed and verified that Brenneria species are responsible for the bark canker diseases on ornamental trees. Their presence on ornamental trees in Hungary is increasing problems of plant protection in urban environment. Pathogens attack primarily older trees which treatment could be solved hardly. There aren’t effective appropriate application methods and pesticides against bacteria, the treatments could perform in the evenings or at night – after informing people who lives there.


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How to Cite

Tenorio-Baigorria, I., Palkovics, L., & Végh, A. (2022). Díszfák kérgén repedést, váladékfolyást okozó baktériumfajok azonosítása. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 26(1), 210-218. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/4788