Napraforgó vetőmag csírázáskor fellépő betegségeinek vizsgálata
sunflower, germination, Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp.Abstract
The role of the sunflower is becoming more critical due to the increasing oil demand. The purpose of the tests was to identify the sunflower seed pathogens. After the sample collection, average samples were processed according to the Hungarian Standard. The treated and untreated seed samples were germinated in 4 times 50 seed replicates, and 200 seeds were examined. The germination period was two weeks. Then, the treated samples were disinfected in a Neomagnol solution. The Germination intensity was around 90% for both treated and untreated samples in 2021 and 2022. Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. infection was observed on the seeds, and in 2021 Botrytis spp. also was identified.
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