A successful landscape management model in Germany


  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation 1118 Budapest, Villányi út 35-43.




landscape maganement, Germany


International landscape management organizations with decades of experience may provide useful examples for the planned Hungarian landscape management system. Organizations that can function as models for the Hungarian system in their approach, objectives, responsibilities and structure have been operating in several countries of the world. German Landcare Association 
(DVL), which operate nationwide, can be regarded as a clear success. Landcare Associations have been working as an institution in the field of community-based landscape management since 1985, with proven methods and a professional approach. The goal of this paper is to showcase this German model.

Author Biography

  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth, Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation 1118 Budapest, Villányi út 35-43.

    landscape architect

    assistant professor


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How to Cite

A successful landscape management model in Germany. (2015). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 40, 2-13. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.40.5747

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