How does urban greenery influence our physical, social and psychological well-being?

the effects of city squares with or without trees on well-being of users


  • Gyimóthy Adél Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning


városi zöldfelületet, jólét, városi terek, fák


Statements such as „being in nature” and „being in the landscape” release positive emotions in our brain. This effect and the reactions initiated by the experience of being in nature have been scientifically proven in the psychological, physical and social fields.1 Given that modern life is predominantly urban, the creation of urban open spaces is of particular importance, allowing the positive effects described above to impact on the lives and activities of city dwellers. Having access to a variety of urban open spaces supports our wellbeing in many ways. The empirical study explained in this article explores issues around the perception of and the effects of different public open spaces

Információk a szerzőről

  • Gyimóthy Adél , Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning

    Tájépítészeti és Tájtervezési Tanszék vezetője



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Folyóirat szám



Hogyan kell idézni

Gyimóthy, A. (2015). How does urban greenery influence our physical, social and psychological well-being? the effects of city squares with or without trees on well-being of users. 4D Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat, 38, 2-9.

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