Eurasian Kurgan Database – a new initiation for conserving steppic burial mounds


  • Balázs Deák Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, 2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4.
  • Ádám Bede Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, 2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4.
  • Csaba Albert Tóth Debreceni Deák Ferenc Tehetségfejlesztő Középiskolai Szakkollégium, 4024 Debrecen, Tímár u. 1.
  • Orsolya Valkó Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, 2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4.
  • Lisetskii Fedor Belgorod State National Research University, 308015–Belgorod, Russian Federation
  • Buryak Zhana Belgorod State National Research University, 308015–Belgorod, Russian Federation
  • Tatyana M. Bragina Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Omirzak Sultangazin, 110000–Kostanay, Tauelsizdik Str.118, Kazakhstan, Azov-Black Sea Branch of the FSBSI “VNIRO” (“AzNIIRKH”), 344002–Rostov-on-Don, Beregovaya Street, Russian Federation
  • Iva Apostolova Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1113, Bulgaria
  • Miklós Bán Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem sqr. 1., MTA-DE Behavioral Ecology Research Group, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem sqr. 1.
  • Ferenc Báthori Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, 2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4.



biodiversity, habitat island, cultural heritage, dry grassland, steppe, nature protection


Eurasian steppes have an outstanding role in conserving grassland biodiversity. However, due to the large-scale landscape transformation during the past centuries in many regions stands of dry grassland habitats have been conserved only in the form of small terrestrial habitat islands. Such habitat islands are often present on the ancient burial mounds, the so-called kurgans. Kurgans have an outstanding cultural and historical value, and also important objects for nature conservation. Despite their large numbers (there are approximately half-million kurgans in Eurasia) and important conservation role information regarding their locality, distribution and conservation status are still lacking. To provide a solution to this problem we established an open, freely accessible international database, which supports the collection and cataloguing of the data about kurgans. At present, the database contains 2645 records of which 563 provide information on the locality of the kurgans, and 2082 records provide detailed attributes of the kurgans involving locality, photo documentation, conservational and cultural values, and other factors such as land-use type, threatening factors, presence of woody species. The database provides an easy-touse data-source to conservationists, researchers and also to the whole society involving the civil sector. We aim to initiate international cooperation, which allows a systematic data collection and provides a comprehensive report on the up-to-date conservational and cultural values of the Eurasian kurgans.

Author Biography

  • Balázs Deák, Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, 2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4.

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Eurasian Kurgan Database – a new initiation for conserving steppic burial mounds. (2020). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 18(2), 97-111.

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