Effects of Sewage Sludge Compost Applications on the Soil CO2-Respiration, the Nutrient and Heavy Metal Content of Chernozem Soils
agricultural treatment, soil respiration, toxic elements, fertilizing, soil qualityAbstract
Sewage sludge contains organic matter, micro and macronutrients which are potentially useful for agricultural usage. Additionally, soil CO2-respiration can improve and CO2 can build into the soil which decreases the atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, it can be harmful when containing undesirable amounts of organic pollutants and heavy metals. Our study focused on examining the soil CO2-respiration, the changes in the extractable nutrient, organic matter and heavy metal contents of a chernozem soil as a consequence of low-dose municipal sewage sludge compost applications (2,5-35 m3/ha/year). Sampling and measurement campaigns were done in 2018 and 2019 near Újkígyós and Kardos (SE-Hungary) during which composite soil samples (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm) and groundwater samples were collected for assessing changes in the nutrient and heavy metal concentrations (in Újkígyós) as a result of compost amendments’ use and CO2-respiration were measured 5 times both in Újkígyós and Kardos. Soil samples were analyzed for the basic pedological parameters (pH, organic matter, carbonates and texture), nutrients (K2O, P2O5, N-forms and organic matter) and heavy metal concentrations following standard extraction procedures. The results of the nutrient analyses show significantly increased soil-bound K2O, P2O5 and NO2-+NO3- contents linked to the sewage sludge treatments. However, neither the organic matter nor the heavy metal content varied significantly in the sludge-amended soil compared to a control site. Similarly, there was no obvious evidence to verify the increasing CO2 respiration after sewage sludge treatments on any study plots. Overall, these results convincingly demonstrated that amending soils with low doses of municipal sewage sludge composts (lacking any industrial sources) can be a sustainable fertilizing practice taking advantage of their high N, P and K contents that are slowly converted to their bioavailable forms thus preventing their excessive leaching in the groundwater. The applied doses were presumably too low for significant changes in soil CO2 respiration.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Barta Károly, Babcsányi Izabella, Farsang Andrea, Tóth Máté, Fekete István, Ladányi Zsuzsanna, Csányi Katalin Tímea

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