High school students’ awareness of greenhouse gas emissions related to certain sectors of the national economy and households


  • Katalin Kulman Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar




éghajlatváltozás, üvegházhatású gáz, nemzetgazdasági ágak, földrajztanítás


Climate change is generating ever more substantial harmful effects, which will be noteworthy even in the lifetimes of future generations. Several different factors play a role in this crisis, but experts say that since the industrial revolution anthropogenic activities have been the primary cause of the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn brings about rising temperatures over the globe. Different activities result in varying levels of greenhouse gas emission, and due to the complex nature of this question, it should be covered in geography lessons. The objective of this study is to examine greenhouse gas and CO2 emission rates in Hungary as well as high school students’ awareness of this issue. Junior students of one academic and one technical high school participated in the pilot study involving online questionnaires in the first semester of the academic year of 2020/2021. I used SPSS in the analysis of one question group. In both cases – greenhouse gas or CO2 emission – students were asked to rank different households or sectors of economy based on how severely they thought they polluted the atmosphere. I compared the answers given by students from these two schools with each other as well as with the relevant data provided by the Central Statistics Office (KSH). The results showed that the mentioned rankings were mostly identical, with one important difference: students ranked households in the last place in both emission types, whereas data by the KSH imply that households are the biggest polluters. This is aggravating, as only through one pilot study we can already determine the fact that students are not aware how big a role households play in global warming. Provisions are to be made for further research in the area with a larger sample size.

Author Biography

  • Katalin Kulman, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar

    E-mail: kulman.katalin@tok.elte.hu


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