Covasna County population and the region's relationship


  • Attila Botos Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem



Kovászna megye népessége és a régió viszonya, Kovászna megye fejlődését meghatározó történelmi folyamatok


The regional policies of Romania are characterised by two systems of connection: on the one hand, the integral inclusion of the countries into the European space in order to create a harmony between the regional policies of the European Union and the ideas for the development of Eastern and Central Europe, on the other hand, the general development of a given country and of certain regions.

The programmes of development concerning the region have in view the change of the basic conditions, which can be carried out on the long term. They ensure the development of the institutions, of the conditions, of the people, therefore, they do not only offer assistance.

Development in itself always means strategic activity. Regional development refers to important investments on the regional level, improvements in the infrastructure inside the area. In the case of regional development critical importance is given to ecological, technical, economic and geographical reasons.

The aims of the research

The most important aims of the dissertation are the followings:

The outlining of the standpoints referring to regional science, as well as the multiple approaches of the fundamental conception of the scientific views, of the region requires the working up of the specialized literature referring to these issues. Region is defined differently by every branch of science, on every international forum and by every scientist, therefore I wish to give a general picture of the doctrines of different schools, as well as of the area of Covasna county, as region.

In our days, the European Union supports many regions from Central and Eastern Europe, respectively a lot of regional collaborations. My important aim is the presentation and analysis of the possibilities for regional development of my homeland, the county of Covasna.

I made an effort to propose a strategy structure which would respect the norms both of the European Union and of EUROSTAT, which could be included in the regional development plan no.7 of Romania, namely in the one of the Central region, of the future region of Székelyföld, as well as in the National Development Plan of Romania, and which could be compared to the ones mentioned above and to the strategies of the neighbouring counties.

In the conclusion, I have drawn up the conclusions, respectively further suggestions which have a stimulating effect on the economic relations based on geographic structures and which respect the conditions of the European Union. In the creation of the Romanian regional system, one laid the stress on the forming of regions with equal-sized territories and with an equal number of population, except the region of the capital, which occupies a much smaller territory and has a population equal to the one of the other regions.

The general characterization of Romanian rural areas was made possible due to an analysis based on a complex system of criteria. In choosing the criteria, the standpoints accepted were the necessary and the possible ones. I considered it to be necessary to use such a methodological frame which could be compatible with the methods used in the EU for the characterisation of rural areas. Presently, the only possibility for analysis is offered by the Romanian statistic system only which does not offer information about the economic and social indexes, which, on regional level, are necessary for making a full comparison with the European countries (GDP/ inhabitant, the contribution of certain sectors to GDP, the income level of households, the use of territories not fit for agriculture, the level and structure of unemployment, etc.).

Author Biography

  • Attila Botos, Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem



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