Adaptation of MSSC fan motivation scale in university students


  • Balogh Renátó Debreceni Egyetem
  • Bácsné Bába Éva Debreceni Egyetem



sportmarketing, fogyasztói magatartás, szurkolói motiváció


In is case of spectacular team sports the business revenues are of particular relevance to the consumer market as they greatly influence the functioning of further markets. It can be stated that without consumer we can not talk about spectacular sport. In our article, We were looking for the answer to which factors influencing interest in games of the Hungarian spectacular sports. In order to answer this question, We adapted the MSSC fan motivation scale. After translating the survey, my research was carried out at the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business and Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs (n =178). After the reliability test, We made a factor analysis that determined the factors affecting interest in the matches (aesthetic, team identification, entertainment, attraction, community affiliation). The results can help you get to know the behavior of fans, which can help increase the average attendance of the events.


Author Biographies

  • Balogh Renátó, Debreceni Egyetem


  • Bácsné Bába Éva, Debreceni Egyetem

    egyetemi docens


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