Changes in the number of crimes registered in Hungary during the COVID-19 period
Covid19, biztonság, bűncselekmény, kriminálstatisztika, biztonsági hatásokAbstract
The epidemic that erupted in China in 2019 began to spread internationally in the world in January 2020. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared an emergency. One of the focal points of the epidemic was relocated to the European Union by March 2020. After 14 March 2020, successive European governments announced restrictive measures. The most typical restrictive measure was a curfew, but travel restrictions have also become commonplace. The pandemic did not escape Hungary either, as a result of which the government imposed a curfew. Under the provisions then in force, everyone is obliged to keep social contact with other people to a minimum and to keep at least 1.5 meters away from the other person. It was forbidden to stay in a catering shop, except for those employed there. Leaving the place of residence, domicile or private residence could only take place for good reasons specified in the decree. Compliance with the restrictive measures under the decree was monitored by the police, involving any body under the Act on the Employment of Military Police and the Professional Staff of Bodies Performing Law Enforcement Duties.The COVID19 coronavirus epidemic affects various aspects of security at countless points. Such areas are economic and social security, security of supply, security of the health care system. In addition, of course, countless other areas may be affected by the effects of the epidemic. Of these, the present study analyzes the field of criminology, with a focus on Hungary. The focus of the investigation is on the development of the number of crimes registered in 2020. Its aim is to analyze whether the economic and social effects of the coronavirus epidemic appear in domestic crime statistics and, if so, in which areas.
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