Overview of IPA HU-SRB cross-border projects in the agriculture sector in northern part of Serbia


  • Nikolina Petrović Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economy and Regional Sciences
  • Krisztián Ritter Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department for Sustainable Rural Development




cross-border cooperation, agriculture, Hungary-Serbia, IPA, benchmarking


The paper is presenting an overview of six cross-border projects realized between Hungary and Serbia in the agricultural sector in the period 2010-2013. The aim of the research is to interpret projects’ goals, achievements, weaknesses, and contributions in socio-economic development of the northern bordering region of Serbia. The analysis was carried out using the benchmarking method, focusing on three aspects: projects’ impact on the market, social integrity, and project sustainability, with each dimension containing a set of indicators defined based on the conducted interviews with leads/beneficiaries.

Szerző életrajzok

  • Nikolina Petrović, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economy and Regional Sciences

    PhD student
    E-mail: petrovicnikolina7@gmail.com

  • Krisztián Ritter, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department for Sustainable Rural Development

    Associate professor
    E-mail: ritter.krisztian@uni-mate.hu


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Hogyan kell idézni

Petrović, N., & Ritter, K. (2021). Overview of IPA HU-SRB cross-border projects in the agriculture sector in northern part of Serbia. Studia Mundi – Economica, 8(3), 168-179. https://doi.org/10.18531/Studia.Mundi.2021.08.03.168-179

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