Investigation of Viromes of Solanaceous Weeds
Virus diagnostics, Solanaceae, endemic plants, invasive weeds, cucumber mosaic virus, broad bean wilt virus, PCR, RT-PCR, HTS, virus reservoirAbstract
Within the scope of our research study, we delve into a comprehensive investigation of virome of solanaceous weeds at the edge of crop fields and natural habitats. For this pilot study leaves of symptomatic Datura stramonium and Solanum nigrum were collected at two different locations near Keszthely in 2022. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) of small RNAs and RNAs were conducted and the sequenced reads were analysed using bioinformatic methods. Out of the identified viruses we confirmed the presence of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), encompassing RNA1, RNA2, and RNA3 components, as well as broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV1) RNA2 using RT-PCR. HTS resulted infection with several other viruses which presence are currently under validation. This pilot study contributes to our understanding of the viral diversity within Solanaceae plants, shedding light on the role of these plants as virus reservoirs. The implications of these findings may help to develop strategies for virus management of both endemic and invasive plant populations.
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