Repeated occurrence of maize redness disease in Hungarian post-control plots in Monorierdő (Central Hungary)
maize redness, stolbur phytoplasma, Reptalus panzeri, bindweed, susceptibility of maize genotypesAbstract
After the first observation in 2009, Maize redness (MR) disease caused by stolbur phytoplasma was identified at the Post-Control Station of National Food Chain Safety Office, Monorierdő (Central Hungary) in 2010. The presence of the main leafhopper vector of MR disease, Reptalus panzeri (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) was verified at the above-mentioned trial site and stolbur phytoplasma detected in one-third of the vector specimens captured. During the latest decade there have been sporadic infections at the post-control plots of maize genotypes (inbred lines and hybrids) practically each year. In the latest survey of October 2018, plant samples (leaves, stalks, roots) were collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic maize genotypes and bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) plants for phytoplasma testing. As a result, in two out of three MR sym-tomatic maize samples and in one out of two bindweed samples proved to be infected by stolbur phytoplasma. In contrast, none of the asymptomatic maize plants were positive for any phytoplasmas. Significant differences in susceptibility of maize inbred lines were recorded since infection rate varied between 0,0 and up to 90 %.
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