Effects of agriculture on surface and subsurface water resources – A review



water resources, eutrophication, fertilizers, insecticides, erosion, irrigation


Surface and subsurface water resources are vital elements in the functioning of environmental processes and human society. In favour of sustainability, it is extremely important to maintain their good quality, quantity and exemption from harmful substances. In this literature review the agricultural activities - causing greater negative impact on surface and subsurface water resources - will be presented. The current regulatory status of surface- and groundwater in Hungary will be explained, just like agricultural activities, endangering water resources, and harmful substances derived therefrom, which move the state of the waters to a negative direction. Furthermore, currently available and long-term perspectives will be presented to eliminate the harmful effects of agricultural activities. The main aim of the review is to draw attention to the way and extent, how industrial agriculture damages and changes the quality, quantity and wildlife of water bodies.


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How to Cite

Tóth, A., & Kucserka, T. (2022). Effects of agriculture on surface and subsurface water resources – A review. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 26(2), 66-82. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/4763

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