Evolution of decomposition coefficients for different leaf litters
willow, poplar, reed, litter mixture, decomposition coefficientAbstract
Temperature is one of the main abiotic drivers of decomposition processes in water. In the international literature, the values measured under different environmental conditions can be compared with the value of the traditional exponential decay coefficient (k, day-1). However, this indicator does not take temperature into account, it only calculates the remaining mass and the elapsed time. The water temperature-based daily mean breakdown rate is suitable for taking water temperature into account (ktemp, day-1). During the research, 3 types of litter (willow, Salix sp.; poplar, Populus sp.; reed, Phragmites australis) and their mixture were examined using the litterbag method. The experiment was set up between June 10 and September 2, 2022. Based on our results, it can be said that ktemp values are higher than k values. The differences between the varieties and their mixtures became more visible in the case of ktemp than in the case of k. With the exception of reed, the litter mixtures showed a higher deviation than the litter samples containing only one type of leaf litter when comparing the values of k and ktemp.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Brigitta Simon-Gáspár, Ariel Tóth, Szabina Simon, Gábor Soós, Angéla Anda
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