Environmental problems associated with small scale mining in Africa: Ghana’s perspective
environmental, policies, pollution, Small scale mining, regulateAbstract
The review seeks to present an overview of the environmental problems or impact associated with small scale mining in Africa, taking Ghana as the case study and to recommend ways for alleviating problems. The environmental problems of small scale mining in Africa include land degradation, river and channel erosion, noise pollution, air and mercury pollution. African governments could roll out effective regulatory policies, support education and enhance corruption-free environmental protection initiatives to manage the impacts of small scale mining activities in Africa. In Ghana, the effects of small scale mining activities on land, water, soil and air quality cannot be overlooked. Small Scale mining is characterized by higher and quicker income earnings which makes the activity attractive to most people, especially in the rural communities. The environmental problems of small scale mining in Ghana could be managed if all key stakeholders including regulatory authorities, chiefs and environmental agencies effectively play their roles and promote community participation in environmental decision-making.
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