Processing Tomato Seedling Cultivation with Water Deficit


  • Barbara Schmidt-Szantner Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Központ, Kertészettudományi Intézet, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
  • Tibor Gáll Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Központ, Kertészettudományi Intézet, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
  • Ágnes Molnár-Mondovics Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Központ, Kertészettudományi Intézet, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
  • Rita Tömösközi-Farkas Élelmiszertudományi és Technológiai Intézet, Élelmiszertudományi Kutatócsoport, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
  • Zoltán Pék Kertészettudományi Intézet, Szent István Campus, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem


processing tomato, seedlings, irrigation, water retention


Due to global climate change, the risk of outdoor plant cultivation is raising. In the previous centuries floods and drainage were the main problems in the Danube -Tisza interfluve, but nowadays there are the frequent, long periods of drought. We must focus on water retention and water conservation in our cultivation technology. Among the products that affect the water balance of the soil, we chose Water Retainer® (WR), which was developed in Hungary. The purpose of our research was to establish how the application of WR affects the amount of irrigated water and the growth of seedlings. At the end of the seedling cultivation period, seedling height, number of true leaves and stem diameter were measured. After the measurement, the remaining seedling was planted in open field, and did not receive any further treatment. During the harvest period, we measured the number and weight of ripe, half ripe, green and diseased berries. Samples from ripened berries were taken to measure the refraction. The plants in the WR treated seedling trays were successfully grown using half as much irrigation water. The number of green and half ripened berries was significantly lower in the planted plots of plants that received 100% irrigation during the seedling cultivation.

Author Biography

  • Barbara Schmidt-Szantner, Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Központ, Kertészettudományi Intézet, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem



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How to Cite

Schmidt-Szantner, B., Gáll, T., Molnár-Mondovics, Ágnes, Tömösközi-Farkas, R., & Pék, Z. (2024). Processing Tomato Seedling Cultivation with Water Deficit. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 28(Suppl. 2), 153-160.

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