The effect of Selacid® on the performance and health status of growing and finishing rabbit
organic acid, growth, mortalityAbstract
The use of organic acids in the feed industry dates back a long time, but while they were used to preserve feed, nowadays they are used as a performance enhancer. In our experiments, rabbits consumed 10% and 20% of Selacid® in their feed during their 5-11 week growing phase. Our conclusion was that Selacid®-containing feed has a beneficial effect on weight gain, regarding the live weight of rabbits. Mortality remained low in all groups, but among the Selacid® treated groups, the mortality rate was even lower, than in the control’s results.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Heincinger Mónika, Abayné Hamar Enikő, Balláné Erdélyi Márta, Fazekas Natasa, Kovács-Weber Mária, Kustos Károly, Zimborán Ágnes, Nyíri András, Szabó Rubina Tünde, Gerber Zsuzsanna, Gerber Johann, Somodi Brigitta
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