The History Salesman, or How (not) to Teach History via Graphic Novels.

Part One


  • Áron Domokos Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute of Education, e-mail: (corresponding author)
  • Gábor Molnár Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute of Education, e-mail:



educational comics, graphic novel, macrohistory, Yuval Noah Harari, critique of ideology, critical pedagogy


This is the first part of a paper examining and assessing, as a tool for  education, the published volumes of the graphic novel adaptation of Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari’s popular science book on world history.
In the first part, appearing here, we briefly enter the decades-long debate on the educational benefits of graphic novels and comics as cool media in the McLuhanian sense. In stating our position, we start from the insights and aims of Paolo Freire’s radical critical pedagogy but we also consider the most recent contributions to the pedagogy of comics and graphic novels. Subsequently, we reconstruct the hard-to-sart publishing history of Harari’s best-selling books including Sapiens and Sapiens. A Graphic History. We show them to have been lifted on the recently detected rising tide of demand for “brainy books”. However, we find this explanation incomplete, requiring further factors which will be provided during analyses in the other two parts.
In the second part, first we survey the reception of Harari’s oeuvre in three scenes: among the global political, business and cultural elite, among the general reading public and, finally, on the part of the print and electronic mass media. We also start our critical assessment in this part, at first from an educational angle, showing some excellent narrative and didactic techniques applied by the creators.
In the final part of the paper, we continue our analysis by providing philosophical and ideology critical assessments of the original book. We explore its vision of humankind, society, and history, its fundamental philosophical premises as well as the ideological commitments of the book, which we see as one of the most characteristic contemporary representatives of the mainstream liberal vision of history. We also examine how, during its rendition into the new genre of discourse, graphic novel, the above mentioned features of Harari’s original book change: whether they get amplified, distorted, lost or absorb new difficulties and contradictions. We focus on the overt purpose of, as well as the detectable hidden agenda behind, the change of medium, and how successfully they are met in the books. We also show examples of where and how the educational purpose aiming to reach younger generations turns into more or less concealed propaganda.


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How to Cite

The History Salesman, or How (not) to Teach History via Graphic Novels. : Part One. (2022). MEDIATON OF HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE CULTURE | ANYANYELVI KULTÚRAKÖZVETÍTÉS, 5(2), 49-68.

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