Effects of globalisation, competitiveness and sustainability on animal agriculture


  • Péter Horn


globalisation, sustainability, conflicts, animal production, Hungarian strategy


The main periods and characteristic features are summarised related to agricultural and animal production focusing attention on the several new challenges emerging in the last three decades. Some main contradictions and conflicts are dealt with regarding competitiveness, sustainability and welfare geared managemental changes in production systems with special reference to poultry and pig production. Several strategically important conclusions have been drawn which are important to consider in order to improve animal agriculture in Hungary considering optimisation of factors determining efficiency and sustainability. A sustainable agricultural system can only be reestablished if animal density can be increased at least to levels already reached during the consolidated historical periods, as for example 1911, 1938 or 1985. The very low animal production level and atipically low animal population numbers at present are absolutely atipical and unprecedented in the 20th century in Hungary. The main features of reconstructing or developing a modern and sustainable animal agriculture are: feed production should mostly cover the needs of the animal populations, highly competitive animal mass production (poultry, pig, milk) must be treated separately compared to other branches of livestock production.



How to Cite

Effects of globalisation, competitiveness and sustainability on animal agriculture. (2001). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 5(1), 43-54. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1569

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