Novel methods of Fusarium toxins’ production for toxicological experiments


  • Judit Fodor
  • M. Németh
  • Laszló Kametler
  • Roland Pósa
  • Melinda Kovács
  • Péter Horn


fumonisin B1, T-2 toxin, production methods


Studies were performed to develop a novel, efficient and cost-effective method for fumonisin and T-2 toxin production, respectively, in sufficient quantities for animal toxicological experiments. On the basis of three earlier published fumonisin toxin production methods a novel method was developed. Three, absolutely necessary factors were taken into account and tested in a serial experiment. The Fusarium verticillioides strain MRC 826 was directly inoculated onto soaked, autoclaved, whole maize kernels (50 g/1.7 l jar). The inoculation was performed by standard spore suspension (1·106 /ml), a 5/2 surface/volume culture was prepared and incubated at 25 °C for 5 weeks. To maintain the optimal aw of approximately 1.00, the evaporated water was re-filled weekly. A final concentration of 4454±1060.9 mg kg-1 fumonisin B1 was reached. T-2 toxin was produced experimentally on ground maize by Fusarium sporotrichioides strain NRRL 3299. With the method in this study similarly high T-2 toxin concentration can be reached as in case of fumonisin production. In the laboratory practice, applying the above settings, a high toxin production can be obtained.




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Poster Section

Hogyan kell idézni

Fodor, J., Németh, M., Kametler, L., Pósa, R., Kovács, M., & Horn, P. (2006). Novel methods of Fusarium toxins’ production for toxicological experiments. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 10(2), 277-284.

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