Investigating venison sausages by means of human sensory panel and electronic nose


  • János Nagy
  • György Bázár
  • Péter Horn
  • Gabriella Andrássyné Baka
  • Dávid Mezőszentgyörgyi
  • András Szabó
  • Tamás Somogyi
  • Róbert Romvári


food, meat, qualification, red-deer, ripening, sensor array


Three types of venison sausages produced of red-deer meat were investigated in three different ripening stages. Human sensory panel was appointed to evaluate customer preference of the sausages. Natural samples containing no pepper received the lowest marks, while samples with sweet and hot pepper were appreciated very similarly. Electronic nose technique was applied to identify the different types and ripening stages by the volatile compounds. It was possible to classify the samples according to the spicing protocol, with a high accuracy (ratio of successfully classified samples in cross-validation was over 90%). Human preference and electronic sensor signal datasets were combined and calibration equation was developed in order to predict consumer response by means of electronic nose. Odor preference and overall impression, as the most relevant attributes of consumer responses can be predicted with a high accuracy and precision (R2>0.9).




Folyóirat szám


Élelmiszer-tudomány, élelmiszer-biztonság

Hogyan kell idézni

Nagy, J., Bázár, G., Horn, P., Andrássyné Baka, G., Mezőszentgyörgyi, D., Szabó, A., Somogyi, T., & Romvári, R. (2014). Investigating venison sausages by means of human sensory panel and electronic nose. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 18(1), 76-86.

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