Interdependece between landscape management and rural development


  • Zsolt Szilvácsku Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development
  • Edina Dancsokné Fóris Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development


landscape management, rural development


Landscape maintenance means the appreciation of landscape characteristics, the structure of development arrangements, actions which are adapted to the ecological capability of the landscape with the aim of beneficial landscape-usage. Landscape maintanence is also the deployment of merits in the landscape and assuring the long-term use of them.

Author Biographies

  • Zsolt Szilvácsku, Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development

    landscape architect


    assistant professor

  • Edina Dancsokné Fóris, Szent István Univertity, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development

    landscape architect

    PhD student


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How to Cite

Interdependece between landscape management and rural development. (2015). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 40, 32-43.

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