Design principles of hospital gardens in the light of ecosystem services
Hospital garden, Institution garden designAbstract
The healing power of nature has been known since ancient times. This knowledge influenced the creation of hospital gardens until the 20th century, when efficiency and economy became the main criteria in medicine. Instead of pavilion- style hospitals „floating” in the garden, rationally operated block hospitals were built, and the physical and spiritual healing effect of gardens and the soul-strengthening experience of nature were eclipsed. In the last decade or two, more and more research has been devoted to the healing and regenerative effects of gardens, and hospital gardens can once again a prominent role in planning and development (Ulrich, 2002). According to contemporary design principles hospital gardens are not only important due to their curative function, but also as understand them, like urban green spaces, as part of the urban green infrastructure, the urban ecosystem. Urbanisation processes have fundamentally changed the urban fabric, the spatial structure. Hospitals, once located on the periphery of the city, have been enveloped by the urban fabric, and hospital gardens are now an integral part of the urban green space system (Kiss, 2013).
In this research comparison of international and national planning theory and practice will form the basis for the analysis of the model areas. Digital map analyses of national and metropolitan hospital garden surveys and – due to the epidemic situation only limited – field studies constitute the database and the methodology of the research. With the present research, we look for an answer the question of how the situation of hospital gardens in the city has changed, how their design and use has evolved over the course of history, and how the proportion of biologically active and inactive surfaces, has changed, how design principles, requirements and maintenance of the gardens have developed. Can the hospital gardens of today serve physical and psychological well-being, physical and spiritual healing and renewal of the user? What design theory guidelines should be taken into account, and how can the complex ecosystem services of hospital gardens be reflected in design guidelines. How can or could today's hospital gardens become an integral part of the city and how could they truly serve the well-being of patients, staff, visitors and urban population?
During the research, we reviewed the international and Hungarian literature, which describes the development of hospital gardens, the evolution of design principles, and the current research in environmental health and medicine that has an impact on the design of hospital gardens. We analized how certain hospital gardens in Budapest have changed, what developments are taking place today. Finally, we conclude the research with an asessment and evaluation of these developments.
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