Greenway development potentials on abandoned railway sites

Landscape architects students' design workshop for the old railway area in Biatorbágy


  • Dóra Hutter Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design
  • Balázs Almási Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design
  • Judit Bárcziné Kapovits Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Landscape Planning and Regional Development



greenway, Biatorbágy, greenway planning


Development of greenways - based on American or European examples - can be initiated by a local community and/or through landscape architectural planning. In both cases the aim is to establish a greenway network that is suitable for non-motorised transport (typically for walking, cycling and sometimes horse riding), and free from environmental hazards or has low  nvironmental impact. In 2012 the Corvinus University of Budapest was assigned by the Biatorbágy council to organise a design workshop for landscape architecture students focusing on the development of the surroundings of the old railway in the town centre. It was not a coincidence as the project had several connections to the ongoing research on green network, greenway at our department.

Our results have confirmed the objectives of further greenway-development research on different scales, and our observations could be valuable in the long-term greenway network development plan of the Zsámbék-basin and the Biatorbágy green area.

Author Biographies

  • Dóra Hutter, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design

    assistant lecturer

    landscape architect


  • Balázs Almási, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design

    assistant professor

    landscape architect


  • Judit Bárcziné Kapovits, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Landscape Planning and Regional Development

    PhD student 

    landscape architect



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How to Cite

Greenway development potentials on abandoned railway sites: Landscape architects students’ design workshop for the old railway area in Biatorbágy. (2014). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 34, 24-41.

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