Examining the internship of human resource counselling master students at the „school of Gödöllő”
human resources counselling, professional practice, counselling skillsAbstract
The requirements for the Master course of Human Resource Counselling include a total of 170 hours of work placement. In our empirical work, we aim to investigate the personal enrichment of the students of the "Gödöllő School" related to the internship and, in the terminology of the profession, their individual returns. Our objective is to present the first results of a pilot research project, which will reveal the specificities and experiences of the learning activities that emerge during this process, with a special focus on the differences between the two study groups. One group is formed by those who self-manage their practice, while the other group is formed by those who (also) opt for a university-led, supported external practice. We included 159 graduate and alumni students in our study using the Internship-related Learning Outcomes questionnaire developed by Nghia & Duyen (2019). During our research, we paid particular attention to the identification and development of skills relevant to the counselling profession.
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