Environmental sustainability among young farmers in the Homokhátság


  • Irén Rita Irén Rita Kőszegi John von Neumann University H–6000 Kecskemét Izsáki road 10., Hungary
  • Katalin Takács-György Óbuda University H–1081 Budapest Népszínház square 8., Hungary https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9129-7481




young farmers in Hungary, Homokhátság, sustainable agriculture, environmental sustainability


We pay special attention to the young farmers of the Homokhátság (Sand Ridge between the Danube and the river Tisza in Hungary) because we assume that they have to deal with special problems that are characteristic of this area. We present what role can young farmers play in the sustainable development of the region and to what extent, considering also size constraints. The results of our empirical analysis were based primarily on questionnaires and personal interviews. We have shown the correlation between the issue of economic sustainability and the supply of own machinery and assets. Primary research has demonstrated that the supply of adequate machinery and assets has a positive relationship with the issue of economic sustainability (development). We have shown that in the environmentally sensitive Homokhátság the most important problem is perceived to be not the aridification.

Biografia do Autor

  • Irén Rita Irén Rita Kőszegi, John von Neumann University H–6000 Kecskemét Izsáki road 10., Hungary


  • Katalin Takács-György, Óbuda University H–1081 Budapest Népszínház square 8., Hungary



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Como Citar

Environmental sustainability among young farmers in the Homokhátság. (2020). TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK | JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY , 18(1), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3478

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