Erodibility measurements in the Tetves catchment using rainfall simulator


  • Gergely Jakab Department of Physical Geography, Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1112 Budapest Budaörsi út 45
  • Zoltán Szalai Department of Physical Geography, Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1112 Budapest Budaörsi út 45



Rainfall simulator, runoff, particle size distribution of sediment, K factor


The catchment of Tetves Stream belongs to the basin of Lake Balaton. The total area of the catchment is 100,2 km2. The south border of the watershed is a valley divide, which is usual in these meridional valleys. The total length of the main bed of the stream, is 25.1 km, the flow direction is south-north. The stream reaches the Lake next to the eastern part of Balatonlelle. The elevation of the watershed is between 105 and 302 m above sea level. The upper part has high relief energy and several gullies, while the lower part is flat. Within the research four standardized plots were established to measure the erosion under natural rainfall events. The influence of fluctuation of the annual precipitation can be reduced with the increasing period of measurement. The soil protection role of different agrotechnics and plant cover can be measured as well because of the four plots and the relatively long period of investigation. The data of erodibility from this project are peculiar to the investigated soil, slope angle and shape, plant cover etc. To extend the validity of these data the authors tried to find a method, which can be used in any combination of the environmental factors, is fast and the results are comparable. Rainfall simulation is suitable for these requirements, and can be used almost anywhere, where the steepness of the slope is not higher than 30%, and the vegetation does not exceed the height of 3 m. With this method the investigated precipitation event can be repeated anywhere and anytime, that is why the results are comparable. This paper reports, whether the application of this method is suitable in this case. In the study the Pannon-R02 rainfall simulator was used.

Author Biography

  • Gergely Jakab, Department of Physical Geography, Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1112 Budapest Budaörsi út 45

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Erodibility measurements in the Tetves catchment using rainfall simulator. (2005). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 3(1), 177-189.

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