Study on the occurrence of passerine bird species, and the factors influencing it in an inhabited populated area, Jászfényszaru
songbirds, diversity, bio-indicator, urban areasAbstract
Similarly to the rest of the world, cities of Hungary have also shown increase in their number, their size and their population over the last decades. Songbird species moving in cities are excellent indicators of life quality and prospects of urban habitats. Due to their feeding habits and their lifestyle, songbirds are especially sensitive to any changes of their habitat. Therefore, the aims of our study were: (1) assessment of the bird population of Jászfényszaru, (2) examining habitat factors influencing the annual dynamics of the appearance and occurrence of certain species, such as distance from the border of the populated area, and vegetation of the gardens and publicly owned lands. Jászfényszaru, our study area, is a town of 380 ha with a population of almost 6000. In the course of our research we used the method of point count to estimate the number of bird species and individuals. Counts were made for exactly 5 minutes once in a month over the period of one year at every fixed point of observation (33 points altogether). When examining the vegetation, we collected data of the trees / bushes surrounding the nearest 10 houses at every point of observation. For this, we created 5 categories: parks, cultivated gardens, orchards, evergreens and other deciduous species. Habitat diversity was determined by Shannon-Wiener index (H) and uniformity index (EH). In the course of our survey we observed 23 bird species inside the town. All year long both the number of species and that of individuals were less in the centre of the town than in the outskirt of it. Points at the centre also showed lower diversity than those closer to the edge of the town. Number of individuals was influenced by the proportion of parked and cultivated lands.
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