Soil Scientific Evaluation of Hajdúnánás–Zagoly ETA-01 Kurgan
burial mound, buried soil, Great Hungarian Plain, Chernozem soil, paleoecologyAbstract
Burial mounds, known as kurgans, are characteristic landscape monuments of the Central and Eastern European plains, including the Great Hungarian Plain. These formations are not only highly important from the archaeological and cultural heritage protection perspective. Their nature conservation value is also outstanding, as in many cases they are home to valuable flora and fauna elements. They are time capsules that hide invaluable information about the burial practice and the human remains placed in the grave. They are also unique in respect of environmental history. In the case of the kurgan, excavated at Zagolya-dűlő near Hajdúnánás, the phenomenon of cultural recycling could be identified. The original Yamnaya burial mound was re-used many times by later cultures. Imprints of the Baden inhabitation, and footprints of much later cultures of the Migration Period and the Árpád Ages were also detected. In this paper we summarize the results of the systematic stratigraphic and the related archaeological features’ soil analyses. In addition to the observations of the on-site soil examination (soil morphology), we also present the soil physical and chemical data obtained by high-resolution sampling and laboratory analyses. Data of the field survey and laboratory tests are supplemented by macro-archaeobotanical and phytolith analyses as well. By this interdisciplinary approach, we not only provide a detailed soil and sediment description of the kurgan, but also highlight the advantages of conjoint methodologies
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Copyright (c) 2022 Pető Ákos, Kenéz Árpád, Braun Ádám, Kovács Gabriella, Skutai Julianna, Dani János, Kulcsár Gabriella, Heyd, Volker
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