The evolution of human development index in romania`'s central region


  • Zsuzsanna Jánossy Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola



emberi fejlettségi mutató (Human development Index = HDI), egy lakosra jutó bruttó hazai termék, születéskor várható időtartam, beiskolázási arány, írni-olvasni tudás ráta


This study analyzes the Human Development Index (HDI) and its constituent indicators such as the gross domestic product per inhabitant, the average life expectancy at birth, the school enrolment and literacy rate. Not mathematical methods and calculation formulas are derived in this paper, but it presents the development level reflected by the values of indicators. The analysis contains the examination of the components of each indicators, by doing so a better more comprehensive picture can be got of the evolution and the implications of the socio- economic situation in Romania. First HDI of Romania measured in the period of 1980-2011 will be compared to other countries, and after that divided into smaller regions, the Central Region`s indicators are discussed in more detail.

Author Biography

  • Zsuzsanna Jánossy, Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola

    PhD student


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