Romania: still in crisis (?)


  • Jánossy Zsuzsanna Szent István University, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola



crisis, budget, European integration, convergence


The starting point of the study lies in the fact that it analyzes the crisis not only as the cause of economic recession, but it also presents its effects upon society.
As human development index cannot be calculated based only on economic well-being, neither is the economic development of a country sufficient to establish its place in global development ranking. The society for which a country's economy must function and develop is the other most decisive factor of development level. Society is the one to dispose of human resources, which represent the basis of national economy.
The data and results used in this study reflect that the global crisis represents the cause of recession in Romania's economy and that due to its internal economic imbalances, the country is still trapped in the rift. At the end of the study, the reader is free to decide whether the "status report" on Romania's situation is a statement or a question.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Jánossy Zsuzsanna, Szent István University, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola



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Hogyan kell idézni

Jánossy, Z. (2015). Romania: still in crisis (?). Studia Mundi – Economica, 2(1), 53-65.

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