Hard tasks in the communication practice of multicultural organizations


  • Ágnes Borgulya Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar




interkulturális kommunikáció, multikulturális döntéshozatal, stressz-szint, interakció, a kommunikáció gátlása


In organizations people very often have to fulfill tasks causing considerable stress. One such task is negotiating major decisions with possible harmful consequences. Decision-making can cause stress overload even in a mot cultural environment using one’s own mother tongue. If decisions have to be made under multicultural conditions, stress levels may increase even further because the social-psychological problems involved in cross-cultural interactions, linguistic differences and the different decision making styles of the participants act simultaneously. As medical research shows, an excessive degree of stress will hinder or even block communication.

Author Biography

  • Ágnes Borgulya, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar

    E-mail: borag@ktk.pte.hu


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