The effect of climate change on dairy cattle



cattle, global climate change


Cattle farming provides important, basic foodstuffs worldwide, and many body parts that are unfit for human consumption can be utilized through further processing. The impact of global warming has already become apparent today with a more common frequency of extreme weather events. As the number of hot days and heat waves is expected to increase, changes may also occur in animal husbandry. Individual weather parameters, especially temperature, affect all aspects of breeding. Due to the increasing warm periods in recent years, the decline in production is becoming more and more significant, as our farm animals react very strongly to persistently high temperature. In the case of intensively dairy cows, the daily milk production and the reproductive biological indicators decrease due to heat stress.


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How to Cite

Simon, S., Kucserka, T., & Anda, A. (2021). The effect of climate change on dairy cattle. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 25(1), 52-66.

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