Methodological changes of agricultural statistics from the beginning of the 19th century
agricultural statistics, history, methodology of agricultural statistics, digital eraAbstract
Due to the natural conditions agriculture played an important role in the Hungarian economy and the same can be said even today. The history of independent Hungarian Statistics (including the Hungarian Agricultural Statistics as well) dates back to 1867, while the independent Hungarian Statistical Office was established in 1871 under Karoly Keleti’s leadership. Among the first tasks of the independent Hungarian Statistical Office we needed to highlight the importance of surveying, analysing the state of the Hungarian Agricultural Sector, the establishment of the Hungarian Agricultural Statistics. Over the decades the changing economic, social processes, the development of sciences and technology have been shaped the system of statistics as well as the system of Agricultural Statistics. The statisticians had to follow the changing life, they had to develop, establish new methodologies in Agricultural Statistics decades by decades. In the case of the more than 150 years old Agricultural Statistics I have defined 5 – more or less homogeneous – periods of time, introducing the main feature of the single periods, introducing the changes of methodology applied in Agricultural Statistics. Based on the historical experiences I have formulated a few thoughts that might be important even in the case of current Agricultural Statistics.
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