Investigation of food waste generation
food waste, waste in food supply chainAbstract
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), up to one third of all food is lost or wasted worldwide throughout the supply chain. It must be investigated how much food waste is generated in the whole food chain in reality, are consumers really responsible for the majority of food lavish, what are the main reasons for food waste and how can we minimize spoilage. In this review article a wide outlook of papers is given, published about food waste in last two years. It has been concluded, that additional data are needed to get a clear picture about the real quantities of wasted foods, because the available data are inconsistent. In the reviewed papers, a lot of action have been published about how to reduce food wastage, starting from innovation in the industry, logistics, through creation by-product exchanges, development of demand forecast and product packaging, etc. up to substantial improvement of food literacy of the population. It is evident, that these actions will have some effect. In this case, the quantity and proportion of food waste will change, thus, the generation of waste is dynamic. If it is dynamic, it can be modelled and forecasted on the basis of models created in future. In this way the research question can be answered.
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