Az ózon hatása a Fuzárium fertőzöttség alakulására


  • Evelin Mária Papp Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Department of Plant Protection, e-mail:
  • Gyula Both Vas County Government Office, Department of Plant and Soil Protection, e-mail:
  • András Péter Takács Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Department of Plant Protection, e-mail:


wheat, ozone, Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp.


We investigated the effect of ozone gas on Fusarium spp. infection of seeds, and we also evaluated the Fusarium infection data of the last 5 years at the Plant and Soil Protection Department of the Vas County Government Office. We did not establish any correlation between the Fusarium infection and precipitation. In the case of monocot pre-crops, we experienced a higher infection rate. Our results shows the importance of pre-crop and crop rotation. As a result of the ozone treatment, we observed a reduction in Fusarium infection. The difference compared to the control group was not significant. Ozone had no negative effect on germination.


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How to Cite

Papp, E. M., Both, G., & Takács, A. P. (2023). Az ózon hatása a Fuzárium fertőzöttség alakulására. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 27(1), 142-147.

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