Fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of the fat of pigs of various genotypes


  • János Csapó
  • Éva Vargáné Visi
  • Zsuzsanna Csapóné Kiss
  • Éva Csokona


fatty acids, cholesterol content, fat, pig, various genotypes


The authors determined the fatty acid composition and the fat cholesterol content of the fat of Mangalica, Hungarian Large WhitexHungarian Landrace and MangalicaxDuroc pigs. It was established that no significant difference among the three genotypes could be detected with respect to saturated, unsaturated, or the essential fatty acids, nor in regard to cholesterol content. The findings of these investigations indicate that in the three pig genotypes studied fat cholesterol content varies between 71 and 109 mg/100 g. Attention is also drawn to the high oleic acid content (relative% age 43.57-44.81) and linoleic acid content (relative% age 10.63-11.47) of pig fat.




Hogyan kell idézni

Csapó, J., Vargáné Visi, Éva, Csapóné Kiss, Z., & Csokona, Éva. (2002). Fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of the fat of pigs of various genotypes. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 107-113. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1650

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