New alternatives in the environmental friendly animal production in Hungary


  • Péter Horn
  • József Stefler


new alternatives, environmental friendly animal production, grassland utilisation, Hungary


Authors summarise the main general features to be considered in restructuring animal production in an environmental friendly way, in Hungary dealing with the feed production, feed and water efficiency of animals used per unit product, animal welfare related controversies regarding resource efficiency and product safety, and aspects of global and regional competitiveness in the various animal production sectors. The role of ruminants is discussed as playing a significant role in restoring the sustainability of Hungarian agriculture, increasing environmental friendliness of both plant and animal production.




Hogyan kell idézni

Horn, P., & Stefler, J. (2002). New alternatives in the environmental friendly animal production in Hungary. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 7-14.

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