Influence of Salinomycin-Na on business results in pig production


  • Gordana Kralik
  • Ivan Štefanić


pig production, economics, Salinomycin-Na, Croatia


The investigation was conducted on 150 swine divided into three groups. The first group was given a control treatment (without antibiotic), while the second and third groups were given ratios of 30/15 ppm and 50/25 ppm Salinomycin-Na respectively. All groups received rations with 16.5% crude protein and 13.42 MJ/kg ME from live weight 28 kg up to live weight 60 kg. After they reached a weight of 61 kg up to the end of production the ration was balanced at a level of 14.2% crude protein and 13.27 MJ/kg ME. The objective of this investigation was to determine the influence of Salinomycin-Na on farm revenues. Salinomycin-Na applied in higher concentration (50/25 ppm) changed the distribution of commercial classes in comparison to the control group. The number of animals in classes E and U increased and the number of animals in class R decreased. Changes in the group with lower concentration (30/15 ppm) were marginal. The application of Salinomycin-Na did increase farm revenues by 2.89% for lower and 8.90% for higher concentration. This was due to changes in two factors: higher final weight and greater leanness of the carcasses. In addition, marginal increase in the unit price of fodder for experimental treatments and better conversion resulted in an increase in fodder costs of 1.41% for the lower concentration and 3.32% for the higher concentration. The use of Salinomycin-Na in the form of Grosal at a concentration of 50/25 ppm proved economically viable. It is possible to achieve an increase in gross margin after feed costs of 5%. An even lower ratio of Salinomycin-Na (30/15 ppm) increased the gross margin after feed costs, but only by 1.5%.




Folyóirat szám


Section 6 Animal Nutrition and Other Topics

Hogyan kell idézni

Kralik, G., & Štefanić, I. (1999). Influence of Salinomycin-Na on business results in pig production. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 3(2), 337-342.

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