Influence of pig carcass weight on distribution of tissues in main parts


  • Goran Kušec
  • Antun Petričević
  • Gordana Kralik
  • Ivona Djurkin
  • Boris Lukić
  • Zlata Maltar
  • Žarko Radišić


pigs, carcass weight, dissection, carcass composition, main parts


The present study was performed on 241 swine carcasses were divided into 3 weight groups according to the warm carcass weight (light group: 60−80 kg; medium group 80−100 kg and heavy group 100−120 kg). Using the measures of backfat and muscle thickness lean meat percentage of pig carcasses was predicted by the equation for TP method prescribed in Croatia. After 24 hours of cooling, right sides of the carcasses were dissected according to EU referent method into four main parts (ham, shoulder, loin and ribs) and further into major tissues (muscle, subcutaneous fat with skin, intermuscular fat and bones). Obtained data was statistically analysed and differences between the weight groups were established for the carcass traits and tissue composition of the main parts. It was concluded that although significant differences existed in backfat and muscle thickness between the pig carcass weight groups, lean percentage predicted or established by dissection these carcasses was not significantly altered. Moreover, the percentages of tissues dissected from the main parts rarely differed significantly between the weight groups of carcasses. This is especially important for the percentage of muscle tissue in the main parts which increased only in ham. As a general conclusion it can be stated that increasing pig carcass weight does not necessarily have to impair other carcass traits or tissue distribution in the main parts.




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Hogyan kell idézni

Kušec, G., Petričević, A., Kralik, G., Djurkin, I., Lukić, B., Maltar, Z., & Radišić, Žarko. (2010). Influence of pig carcass weight on distribution of tissues in main parts. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(2), 245-250.

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